> Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Lawyer in Nanticoke, PA

Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Lawyer in Nanticoke, PA

While filing for bankruptcy is not a simple decision to make, it is necessary to be free from debt and secure a fresh start. Debt can become overwhelming, and sometimes, it can appear to be a normal part of life. However, no amount of debt should be taken lightly, even if it is small. This is because forgetting to pay it back can lead to accumulating interest, leading to worsening financial conditions for both individuals and businesses. At this point, you need a way out, as debt from credit cards and expenses can hurt your credit score, making it difficult to bounce back.

As a top-tier bankruptcy firm, JPPLaw’s Jason P. Provinzano has been helping clients for years in Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania. He can guide you through the process of declaring bankruptcy and provide you with sound financial assistance. Quite knowledgeable about both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, he is diligent and understanding of the struggles that face countless people overcoming debt. He has discharged over $10,000,000 of debt for his clients. Rest assured, Provinzano will be there for you. If you need a bankruptcy attorney in Nanticoke, PA, contact him today to receive immediate attention.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides relief by wiping out most unsecured debt from personal loans, credit cards, and unpaid bills, allowing you to have a new beginning. It will give you time to repay your creditors, as non-exempt assets will be liquidated, and its proceeds can be accepted as payment. The courts will put a hold on your account, which will keep debtors from collecting what is owed to them. Often, people believe that Chapter 7 will take all your property, but this isn’t always true. Depending on what’s best for you, you will have some options for how to go about compensating your creditors, giving you some peace of mind. To be eligible, you must demonstrate that you have low income through an online assessment, which can be taken at JPPLaw.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy 

On the other hand, in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a client is required to pay only certain debts in full. Compared to Chapter 7, in this form of bankruptcy, you are allowed to keep your property. Provinzano will petition the court on your behalf by showing that you have the desire and the means to pay off your debts. If the bankruptcy court agrees, creditors will be prevented from seizing your home and other assets. This way, you can restructure your debt into organized payments over time. Even though Chapter 13 may take longer than Chapter 7, you will be able to save for the future. When qualifying for this form of bankruptcy, you must have some form of income that is enough to kickstart a repayment plan.

Premier Bankruptcy Lawyer in Nanticoke, PA

Providing you with the chance to move forward with a clean slate, JPPLaw is prepared to offer its pristine services to its clients. Attorney Jason P. Provinzano won’t hesitate to come to your aid, as no longer can you wait to repay your debts. Whether you are looking for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, he has you covered. You will finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and won’t be frustrated by your unpaid loans, utility expenses, interest rates, or any other financial burdens.

Ready to begin filing your claim? JPPLaw’s Provinzano will answer any questions you may have. If you are looking for a bankruptcy lawyer in Nanticoke, PA, contact us today for more information and to book a consultation, so you can start living debt-free!

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