> Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Lawyer in Lake Ariel, PA

Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Lawyer in Lake Ariel, PA

If there’s one thing that most adults have in common, it’s debt. Most of us are bound to experience this at some point, and some of us struggle with this debt for years or even decades. Debt can leave you feeling extremely anxious about your financial situation, but it’s often unavoidable. You might be great at saving money and managing your finances, but one large bill, like a trip to the hospital, can undo it in a moment. Others may fall into debt by needing to buy everyday essentials with the help of a credit card.

No matter how you get into debt, getting out of it can feel impossible. As you try to pay off your current debt, you might have to take on new ones. This quickly becomes a huge issue as your debt grows to an amount that you just aren’t able to pay off.

When this happens, do you know what your options are? Many people feel like they have no control over this situation, but with a bankruptcy lawyer in Lake Ariel, PA, getting out of debt is a possibility. At JPPLaw, Attorney Jason P. Provinzano can make it possible for you to get debt free through either Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

When you think of bankruptcy, you’re likely thinking of what Chapter 7 bankruptcy entails. This is the most common type of bankruptcy, so even if you don’t know all the details of it, you might already be familiar with most of it. Through Chapter 7, you can have some, and possibly all, of your unsecured debts cleared, meaning you won’t have to pay anything towards them. However, Chapter 7 bankruptcy isn’t for everyone. This chapter is intended to be used by those who don’t have the income to pay their debt off on their own. To see if you qualify, you’ll need to take a “means test,” which can be done in under 10 minutes. We can help determine your bankruptcy exemptions so that you can hold onto your assets.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

While Chapter 7 is a common and efficient way of clearing unsecured debt, it might not be right for your situation. If that’s the case, Chapter 13 might be able to help you get out of debt. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is best used by those who do have the means to pay off their debts with a few adjustments. In this chapter of bankruptcy, you can have your debts rearranged into a repayment plan. This gives those who have the income to afford their debts a chance to pay them off themselves by spreading them out over three or five years, because of this, Chapter 13 is also referred to as “reorganization bankruptcy.”

Top-Notch Bankruptcy Services in Lake Ariel, PA

Trying to get large amounts of debt paid off can be a huge weight on your shoulder, not to mention the stress the debt collectors come. This can make it difficult for you to live your life or look forward to the future. Attorney Jason P. Provinzano has helped hundreds of people like you get out of debt and start living.

If you’ve been struggling to pay your debt off, now may be the time to consider if bankruptcy is right for you. Contact JPPLaw today to learn more about how we can help.

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