Struggling with debt is something that many Americans have to face. In some cases, those dealing with large amounts of debt don’t have the income to afford to pay it off, which leaves them in an incredibly difficult situation with few ways to get out of it. Getting far into debt can happen to anyone, even when you’re careful about your finances. Being in debt shouldn’t be enough to ruin your life, which is why bankruptcy is the best solution for many. In addition to being overwhelmed by debt, you also have to deal with non stop calls from debt collectors.
If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you need a reputable bankruptcy lawyer on your side. Having the right legal advice during this time is extremely important. JPPLaw wants you to be able to get your life back on track, and winning your bankruptcy case is crucial for this. We fight for residents in Luzerne County to help them recover from crippling debt by filing for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.