Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Blog

What Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

Wirtten By

Jason Provinzano

You can never prepare for an injury, as they often occur abruptly. And when one occurs, securing compensation for your injuries may not be easy.

It often requires you to work with a qualified, seasoned Williamsport personal injury lawyer to represent you and help you get the best settlement. That’s why JPP Law is always here to help.

However, to make sure that you’re choosing the right advocate for you, you need to know what questions to ask a personal injury lawyer in the first place. Here is a list to get you started so you can know you’re in the right hands.


“Are you able to handle my case?”

Good lawyers are ready to devote their expertise, energy, and time to your case. One way to ensure your lawyer can guarantee this is by searching for firms with a wealth of experience.

Also, with time being a key factor, it is in these firms that you can get a lawyer to commit enough time to your case.

It may also be a good idea to ask any lawyer you meet with a list of references if they are unable to take your case personally.


“Have you litigated a case like mine before?”

Every lawyer has an area of expertise. You likely won’t hire a property attorney to handle your car accident case. But just because someone is a personal injury lawyer doesn’t mean they’ve handled a case like yours.

For example, if you were in a car accident, you don’t want to hire a lawyer who has only worked on medical malpractice lawsuits.


“What is your assessment of my case?”

As the victim, hearing of past clients who have won cases similar to yours can leave you assuming you deserve a hefty financial compensation. However, the law itself and the particulars of your case can deem a court case impossible.

Therefore, it’s advisable to have an expert offer an honest assessment of your case and whether or not you should pursue it.

That said, be wary of a lawyer who is confident your case will settle. A good lawyer should be prepared for a trial before a grand jury. That way, you’re better prepared for settlement agreements.


“What is your contingency fee?”

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee agreement. What that means is a fee is liable when you obtain monetary compensation for your injury.

Contingency fees are typically 40% of the settlement, but in some circumstances, it’s negotiable.

Just be sure of the qualifications of your attorney and wary of cheap law firms. As you might know already, cheap can end up being expensive.


“What is my role in the lawsuit?”

Knowing what your lawyer expects from you before committing is very important. That’s because they need to know you and all the facts involving your case. 

Different lawyers handle cases differently. Some welcome your high level of involvement, while others prefer doing the work by themselves. Whichever way applies to your lawyer, it’s best to play along.


“Will my case go to trial, and when?”

Settling out of court is an option. But if that is not the case, your lawyer should be prepared and skilled enough to take your case to trial and win.

If your lawyer is familiar with the inner workings of the legal systems, they should be capable of giving a time frame of how long it will take your case to be tried in court. They also know how much time it requires to resolve the case, keeping in mind the time frame can change.


Get in Touch with JPP Law

The right lawyer will be able to assist you in receiving compensation for your injuries. Before agreeing to work with a lawyer, be sure to learn more about them and what they have to offer.

Then, get in touch to learn how best we can help you at JPP Law.

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