Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Blog

What Is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Wirtten By

Jason Provinzano

Have you been in an accident? Was it the result of negligence, and have you sustained injuries, whether they were physical or psychological? Then you may very well require a personal injury lawyer.

A personal injury lawyer from JPP Law will act on your behalf to negotiate a fair settlement commensurate with the loss you incurred. Keep reading to determine whether you need a personal injury lawyer to handle your claim.


What Do Personal Injury Lawyers Do?

The legal term personal injury refers to an injury of one’s body, emotions, or mind. This term is different from the damage done to property.

Moreover, personal injury further implies that the injury happened as the result of an accident. Such injuries might occur from slip and fall accidents, wrongful death claims, or car accidents.

Personal injury functions as an essential component of civil law, compensating all victims of social wrongs and accidents due to negligence.

In a personal injury lawsuit, the plaintiff will always be the person who was injured. Conversely, the defendant is the person that the charges have been brought against. 


Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

You should seek the help of a personal injury lawyer if you’ve been injured psychologically or physically due to the negligence of a:

  • Company 
  • Person
  • Government agency 
  • Entity 

Personal injury attorneys specialize in the area of law called tort law. The lawyer will work on your behalf to negotiate a fair settlement to compensate you for your injury. You must have a lawyer present to ensure that you get the full benefits owed to you. 


When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Anyone that finds themselves in a situation where there are complicated matters of liability and insurance coverage or a chance for a large payout due to negligence should always hire a personal injury lawyer. 

Individuals represented by an attorney, on average, recover 3.5 times more money than individuals whom an attorney did not represent.


What Are the Elements of a Personal Injury Case?

You can sustain personal injuries in a multitude of ways, such as:


In these situations, the incidents are not intentional but result from negligence or carelessness from the defendant.

Below are all of the elements that you need to prove in a personal injury lawsuit:

  • Damages incurred were a direct result of the party that was at fault
  • The individual at fault must have a connection to the situation 
  • The at-fault party failed to meet their duty to care for you or the situation that led to your injury


Contact JPP Law for an Expert Personal Injury Lawyer

If you need a Stroudsburg personal injury lawyer, JPP Law can help, and they have vast experience with a wide range of cases. When someone’s life gets altered due to someone else’s negligence, JPP Law will fight for their due compensation.

Never try to take these matters into your own hands. Leave it up to the experts. Call us today for more information.

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