> Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Lawyer in Stroudsburg, PA

Personal Injury & Bankruptcy Lawyer in Stroudsburg, PA

When you look at your finances after years of struggling to pay down debt, you may finally realize that it is time to look for a bankruptcy lawyer. If that is the case for you, then you should be proud of yourself, since declaring bankruptcy shows great maturity and insight into your financial reality. As JPP Law likes to claim repeatedly, declaring bankruptcy is not an admission of failure. Rather, it is a determination to get out from under crushing debt and create a better future for yourself and your family.

Jason P. Provinzano of JPP Law will be there when you need a bankruptcy lawyer in Stroudsburg, PA. He has helped thousands of clients get back on their feet after declaring bankruptcy. However, Jason also understands that people need to do some research before entrusting their finances to a lawyer.

For that reason, JPP Law has assembled this guide for knowing how to find a reputable bankruptcy lawyer. We hope you find it educational!

How to Find a Reputable Bankruptcy Lawyer

So, how do you make sure the bankruptcy lawyer you choose will be scrupulous in fighting for your rights in court? Here are some tips.

1. Get Recommendations

Our first piece of advice is the easiest one of them all to follow: ask family and friends for recommendations of bankruptcy lawyers. The people you know and associate with are not going to lead you astray. If they have faced bankruptcy themselves and had success with a certain firm or a specific lawyer, get those names and begin vetting them. Now, it is worth it to mention that this step will, of course, involve admitting to the people you know that you need to declare bankruptcy. At JPP Law, we say: don’t worry about that. It’s a positive first step even looking for a bankruptcy lawyer. There is no reason to feel ashamed.


2. Test Candidates’ Expertise

When you get your names down to a shortlist of lawyers you may want to work with, you will then want to interview them to see how much they know about bankruptcy. A lawyer’s level of knowledge will likely determine how you and your assets will fare in bankruptcy court. For instance, ask if you qualify for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. Those are two of the most common types for which people file. Then, if a lawyer tells you chapter 13 would be best, ask about the chapter 13 bankruptcy timeline you would be looking at, or the bankruptcy exemptions to which you might be entitled. Knowing these types of things in advance will allow you to plan to repay the debts that the court decides you should owe. Plus, the answers you get to these questions will naturally reveal the lawyer’s knowledge.

You can combine that information with, for instance, the number of bankruptcy cases the lawyer handles per year to get a decent picture of how the lawyer will perform for you. Think carefully about all you have learned from each candidate. Doing so will eventually help you decide on one.


3. Find a Personal Match

Finally, take the time to ensure you will get along with your bankruptcy lawyer. You might find a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer willing to work with you, but perhaps his or her personality just grates against yours. Maybe you would not feel comfortable calling or even email to get updates. It would not be a good idea to pursue a lawyer who makes you feel this way. Bankruptcy cases can go on for months, so be sure to take the time to work with someone you personally like.

Your Own Bankruptcy Lawyer in Stroudsburg, PA

Jason P. Provinzano works hard to bring all these qualities to his practice of bankruptcy law at JPP Law. He has helped client after client to develop bankruptcy plans that work for them, and those clients are now either working through manageable payment plans or have already completed their bankruptcies and moved on in life. Jason can do the same to help you.

Contact JPP Law when you need a reputable bankruptcy lawyer in Stroudsburg, PA. Declaring bankruptcy is a great step forward for those suffering from heavy debt. Let JPP Law support you in reforging your financial future.

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