At JPP Law, one of our core tenets is that declaring bankruptcy isn’t something to fear. Many people see bankruptcy as a disciplinary process; one meant to scold you for racking up debts you could not pay and putting you through a humiliating process of structured repayment.
This could not be further from reality. Declaring bankruptcy is a way forward for people who have no other avenues. It happens sometimes; before you know it, you have more debts than you can repay based on your income. This is not a personal failing. It can happen to anyone, at any point in life. Declaring bankruptcy is a proactive request for help, and you must never feel too proud to ask for help.
Still, we understand some of you will always have some misgivings about declaring bankruptcy, and that is why we want to document and address some of those fears here. Our responses to your concerns should make you feel better about hiring a bankruptcy lawyer in Lehighton, PA.