When in debt, there can appear to be no silver lining, even when you are trying to handle it responsibly. Unpaid credit card and medical bills can add up, and the smallest amount can get out of hand when left unchecked. Only escalating the situation, accumulating interest, and worsening credit scores contribute to your frustrations, making it increasingly difficult to reduce and overcome your debt. Finding your way back to a strong financial position can be challenging. Still, it doesn’t have to be, especially if you have a committed bankruptcy lawyer at your side.
You can receive your fresh beginning by seeking a faithful bankruptcy lawyer from JPPLaw. Head of the firm, Attorney Jason P. Provinzano, is well-versed in the procedures that outline Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Throughout Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania, including the Carbondale area, he offers his services, as clients can gain a bankruptcy consultation to provide them with guidance. Provinzano can alleviate the stress and pressures caused by your financial distress and set you down the path to becoming debt-free.